Preventive Oral Care

The lifetime of a tooth, dental crown, dental implant, porcelain veneer, filling, or other cosmetic dental restoration largely depends on how it is cared for. Excellent oral hygiene and regular dental check-ups have been shown to lengthen the duration of life of a tooth and dental restorations. Although it may seem hard to squeeze in the extra few minutes each day to floss and brush your teeth, those extra few minutes can also greatly extend the life of your teeth and dental restorations.

Dental Cleanings

Many patients are seen in our office for cleanings twice yearly. Others require an additional cleaning or 2 depending on the condition of their gums and their level of home care. We recommend patients brush twice daily for about 3-4 minutes and floss once per day.

Schedule your dental exam today

Dentists on Washington is committed to providing the highest quality comprehensive care in Philadelphia.