Are Electric Toothbrushes Better Than Manual Brushes?
With so many dental care products on the market, it's hard to make the right choice; even for toothbrushes. And although both electric and manual toothbrushes are very efficient in dissolving plaque that causes cavities and infections, the question…

What To Expect When Getting Your Wisdom Tooth Removed
Wisdom teeth are the lower and upper third molars; located at the back of the teeth and usually erupt between the ages of 17 and 21, which can be painful. Wisdom teeth can grow at the wrong angle and become lodged in the gums, causing radiating…

Why Should You Go To A Routine Dental Check-Up?
A routine dental check-up is one of the best protective measures against tooth and gum disease. By identifying potential problems, your dentist can help you maintain good oral health. If dental issues are left untreated, they can lead to pain,…