
What Happens at Dental Checkups: A Comprehensive Guide to Maintain Your Oral Health

What Happens at Dental Checkups: A Comprehensive Guide to Maintain Your Oral Health

Regular dental checkups are vital for maintaining optimal oral health. During these routine visits, your dentist performs various procedures and assessments to ensure your teeth and gums are healthy. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore what happens during dental checkups, the importance of each procedure, and how it contributes to your overall oral health. Whether you’re a new patient or seeking to refresh your knowledge, this blog will provide valuable insights into the world of dental checkups.

What Happens at Dental Checkups: A Comprehensive Guide to Maintain Your Oral Health

The Importance of Regular Dental Checkups

Regular dental checkups are essential for several reasons. First, they allow dentists to monitor your oral health and identify any early signs of dental problems. By detecting issues early on, such as cavities or gum disease, dentists can intervene promptly and prevent them from worsening. Second, regular checkups help in maintaining optimal oral hygiene practices. Dentists can provide guidance on proper brushing and flossing techniques, as well as recommend specific oral care products tailored to your needs. Lastly, routine checkups allow dentists to perform oral cancer screenings, which can detect the disease in its early stages when it is most treatable.


During a dental checkup, an oral examination and dental history review are conducted to gather important information about your oral health. The dentist will ask questions about your dental habits, any discomfort or pain you may be experiencing, and your medical history. This information helps the dentist understand your unique dental needs and tailor the treatment plan accordingly. Additionally, the dentist will examine your teeth, gums, and other oral tissues to assess their health. This examination involves visually inspecting your mouth, using dental instruments to check for any signs of decay or damage, and evaluating the condition of your gums.


Oral Examination and Dental History Review

In some cases, dental X-rays and other diagnostic tests may be necessary during a dental checkup. Dental X-rays provide a detailed view of your teeth, roots, and supporting structures that are not visible during a visual examination. These X-rays help dentists detect hidden dental issues, such as cavities between teeth, impacted teeth, or signs of bone loss. By identifying these problems, dentists can provide appropriate treatments and prevent further complications. Other diagnostic tests, such as periodontal probing and salivary tests, may also be performed to assess the health of your gums and detect any signs of gum disease or other oral conditions.


Dental X-Rays and Diagnostic Tests

In some cases, dental X-rays and other diagnostic tests may be necessary during a dental checkup. Dental X-rays provide a detailed view of your teeth, roots, and supporting structures that are not visible during a visual examination. These X-rays help dentists detect hidden dental issues, such as cavities between teeth, impacted teeth, or signs of bone loss. By identifying these problems, dentists can provide appropriate treatments and prevent further complications. Other diagnostic tests, such as periodontal probing and salivary tests, may also be performed to assess the health of your gums and detect any signs of gum disease or other oral conditions.

Professional Teeth Cleaning

One of the key components of a dental checkup is professional teeth cleaning. This process, also known as dental prophylaxis, involves the removal of plaque and tartar buildup from your teeth. Dental hygienists use specialized tools to scrape off the hardened plaque and tartar that cannot be removed through regular brushing and flossing. They also perform tooth polishing to remove surface stains and make your teeth look brighter and cleaner. Professional teeth cleaning not only improves the appearance of your smile but also helps in preventing gum disease and tooth decay.


Gum Health Assessment

Assessing the health of your gums is an important part of a dental checkup. Dentists use various techniques to evaluate the condition of your gums and check for signs of gum disease. They will measure the depth of the spaces between your gums and teeth, known as periodontal pockets, using a periodontal probe. Healthy gums have shallow pockets, while deeper pockets may indicate the presence of gum disease. The dentist will also check for signs of gum inflammation, bleeding, or recession. Based on the assessment, the dentist can determine the extent of gum disease, if present, and recommend appropriate treatments or preventive measures.


Dental Restorations and Treatment Planning

During a dental checkup, the dentist will assess the condition of your teeth and any existing dental restorations, such as fillings or crowns. They will check for signs of wear, cracks, or decay in these restorations and determine if any repairs or replacements are necessary. The dentist will also evaluate the need for additional dental treatments, such as dental sealants, fluoride application, or orthodontic procedures. Based on the findings, a customized treatment plan will be created to address your specific dental needs. The treatment plan may include scheduling future appointments for necessary treatments, such as fillings, root canals, or periodontal therapy.


Oral Hygiene Education and Home Care Tips

Another vital aspect of a dental checkup is oral hygiene education and home care tips. Dentists and dental hygienists play a crucial role in educating patients about proper oral hygiene practices. They will provide guidance on the correct brushing and flossing techniques, the use of interdental cleaners or mouthwash, and the importance of regular oral care habits. They may also recommend specific oral care products, such as toothbrushes, toothpaste, or mouth rinses, tailored to your oral health needs. By educating patients on proper oral care, dentists empower individuals to take an active role in maintaining their oral health and preventing dental problems.


Addressing Patient Concerns and Questions

During a dental checkup, patients are encouraged to ask questions and share any concerns they may have about their oral health. Dentists are committed to addressing these concerns and providing explanations or recommendations based on their expertise. Whether it’s discussing dental procedures, treatment options, or oral health-related topics, open communication between patients and dentists is essential for ensuring patient satisfaction and understanding. Dentists strive to create a comfortable and welcoming environment where patients feel empowered to voice their concerns and actively participate in their oral care journey.



Regular dental checkups are essential for maintaining good oral health and preventing dental issues. By understanding what happens during dental checkups, you can approach your appointments with confidence and actively participate in your oral care. Remember, preventive care is key to a healthy smile. Schedule your next dental checkup today and reap the benefits of a lifetime of good oral health.

Provide tips on how to prepare for a dental checkup, such as gathering dental records and preparing a list of concerns

Encourage patients to share any changes in their oral health or medical history with their dentist


Looking for a Dentist in Philadelphia? 

At Dentists on Washington, we are committed to delivering exceptional dental care tailored to your individual needs. Our team of highly skilled and compassionate dental professionals offers a comprehensive range of services, from routine checkups and cleanings to advanced treatments and cosmetic procedures. With state-of-the-art technology and a focus on patient education, we provide accurate diagnoses, effective treatments, and valuable oral hygiene tips. Your oral health is our top priority, and we strive to create a comfortable and welcoming environment for every patient. Schedule your appointment today and experience the exceptional dental care we offer at Dentists on Washington.


Interested? If you want to reap all the benefits of dental health, make an appointment now!

Philadelphia has dental cleanings - Preventive Oral Care Strategies

Why Dental Cleanings Are Essential

Having a brilliant smile is something that many of us desire, and one common approach to achieving it is by getting professional dental cleanings. The benefits of teeth cleaning go beyond just aesthetics – it can also protect you from gum disease and several other related issues. Neglecting oral hygiene can make you vulnerable to various health issues, such as kidney problems, diabetes, strokes, cardiovascular disease, jaw bone loss, and different types of cancer.

In this blog post, we will discuss reasons why dental cleanings are essential and how they can benefit your health in the long run. Ready? Let’s get started.

Dental Cleanings in Philadelphia


Removing Plaque and Tartar

Regular brushing and flossing maintain oral hygiene, but some areas remain difficult to clean. Plaque buildup leads to various oral health problems. Plaque, a colorless film containing bacteria, forms near the gum line and causes tooth decay. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to detect, making it a significant threat to your oral health.

Plaque can harden into tartar in 24 hours despite regular brushing and flossing, leading to yellow visible deposits on teeth that increase susceptibility to gum disease and tooth destruction. Therefore, scheduling regular dental cleanings is essential to thoroughly prevent tooth decay and other related problems.

During a dental cleaning, a trained dental hygienist uses a specialized device called a scaler to remove plaque from your teeth. The second step is to clean the teeth with coarse-grained toothpaste to remove any remaining plaque or tartar. This process helps prevent tooth decay, reduces the risk of gum disease, and ensures that your teeth and gums remain healthy. 

Please note that it’s not advisable to use these products at home, as only a professional hygienist or dentist knows how to use them properly.

Better Flossing

Dental flossing is a critical step in maintaining good oral hygiene. Your dentist or hygienist typically performs this procedure after scraping and polishing your teeth. Flossing helps remove food debris and toothpaste that may be stuck between your teeth. Although flossing at home is essential, having a professional perform it can be even more beneficial. They can guide you on how to floss effectively and identify any tight spots or areas in your gums that may bleed during the process. This information can be used to provide personalized recommendations on how to improve your oral health.

A Brighter and Healthier Smile

The formation of plaque and tartar can lead to discolored teeth. To maintain a bright and healthy smile, it’s important to go for regular dental cleanings. Aside from the cosmetic benefits, regular cleanings will give you personalized tips from your dentist or oral hygienist on how to improve your oral health. They may also suggest cosmetic procedures that will help you achieve a more confident smile. Don’t underestimate how much a healthy smile boosts your confidence and overall well-being.

Elimination of Stains

There are three types of tooth discolorations: extrinsic, intrinsic, and age-related. Extrinsic stains are caused by external factors such as certain foods and beverages like fruits, vegetables, cola, wine, coffee, and tea. Intrinsic stains originate from within your body, and age-related stains occur naturally with age. 

Fortunately, most surface stains can be removed by your dentist. Regular dental cleanings give your dentist or oral hygienist the opportunity to detect and remove stains before they become deeper and more difficult to remove. By taking care of your oral hygiene and scheduling regular checkups with your dentist, you can maintain a bright and healthy smile.

Getting Rid of Bad Breath

Many different factors can cause bad breath. The first common practice is to change bad habits such as chewing tobacco and smoking. You can also change your diet and limit the consumption of soda, orange juice, alcohol, cheese, pastrami, and spices. There may also be other causes such as gastrointestinal problems, diabetes, and poor dental hygiene. Any of these factors can increase the number of bacteria that create an odor in your mouth and cause bad breath. An expert can help you identify what the problem is and how to treat it.

Having Healthier Teeth and Gums

The best way to fight oral diseases is to prevent them. Regular visits to your dentist and professional dental cleaning can curb oral health problems, gum disease, and tooth decay. The healthier your teeth and gums are, the less likely you are to lose your teeth as you age.

Your gums play a critical role in keeping your teeth in place and preventing them from becoming loose or falling out. However, if your gums show signs of inflammation or become infected, you may be experiencing periodontal disease. This condition causes pain and discomfort and can eventually lead to tooth loss if left untreated.

Fortunately, you can prevent this discomfort and protect your teeth by adding regular professional dental cleanings to your dental care routine. During a dental cleaning, a trained dental hygienist can remove plaque, tartar, and other harmful bacteria that can cause gum disease and tooth decay.

Preventing Other Serious Health Issues

Regular dental cleanings and checkups offer more than just maintaining good oral health. They can help detect other potential health problems and diseases, such as tooth decay and gum disease, at an early stage. Early detection and intervention can prevent the need for painful and costly procedures down the line.

Moreover, certain systemic diseases can cause oral health problems, and researchers suggest that oral symptoms can be the initial indications of numerous systemic illnesses. Detecting these signs early on can lead to more effective treatment and better overall health outcomes. Some of the systemic diseases that can cause oral health problems include 

Oral Cancer

Regular dental cleanings are essential not only for maintaining good oral health but also for detecting potential warning signs of oral cancer. Dentists are trained to spot abnormal growths in the mouth that do not disappear on subsequent visits. By catching these signs early on, dentists can refer patients for further evaluation and treatment, which can improve outcomes and increase the chances of successful recovery. In addition, regular dental cleanings help keep the mouth healthy and free from harmful bacteria that can lead to oral cancer. 

Chronic Heartburn

Chronic heartburn can cause a range of oral health problems that can impact your quality of life. The symptoms can include a sore throat, inflamed gums, and bad breath, which can make social situations uncomfortable. In some cases, chronic heartburn can even cause teeth to crack, resulting in pain when eating or drinking. 

Moreover, acid reflux can lead to the destruction of tooth enamel, which is the hard outer layer of teeth. Once the enamel is eroded, bacteria can attack the teeth more easily, leading to cavities and other dental problems. Therefore, if you suffer from chronic heartburn, it’s important to seek medical advice to manage your symptoms and minimize the risk of oral health issues. Additionally, maintaining good oral hygiene habits, such as professional dental cleanings and brushing and flossing regularly, can help prevent further damage to your teeth and gums.

Thyroid Issues

Did you know that dentists and oral hygienists can help detect thyroid problems in children? It’s true! Children with inflamed tongues or delayed tooth development may be showing signs of thyroid issues. However, adults can also experience oral symptoms related to thyroid problems. For instance, they may have a dry mouth, which can increase the risk of gum disease. Therefore, it’s crucial for both children and adults to have regular dental check-ups to catch any potential thyroid problems early on. 


According to research, the number of people with diabetes is expected to increase significantly over the next two decades. As a result, dental experts are now more vigilant when it comes to detecting signs of diabetes in patients. They have found that gum disease, which is often caused by high blood sugar levels, can be an indicator of diabetes. 

Additionally, the mouth can also show the first symptoms of diabetes, such as fungal infections. Therefore, routine dental check-ups are essential not only for maintaining oral health but also for monitoring overall health and catching any potential health issues early on. 

Number of Dental Cleaning Appointments You Need

Dentists perform a brief dental cleaning at every dental appointment before examining or operating on your teeth. Although the number of dental cleaning appointments that different practices recommend per year may vary, it is common to schedule two appointments per year to ensure good oral hygiene.

Bottom Line

Professional dental cleanings offer numerous benefits beyond just maintaining healthy teeth and a brighter smile. By removing plaque and tartar, your dentist or oral hygienist can prevent cavities, and reduce sources of bad breath. It also protects your teeth and gums from various infections. These cleanings are an essential part of maintaining good oral health and preventing serious dental issues. 

In addition, during a dental cleaning, your dentist can examine your oral health more closely and detect any potential issues or warning signs of systemic diseases that may manifest themselves in oral symptoms. Regular dental cleanings are therefore crucial for maintaining not only oral health but also overall health.

Interested? If you want to reap all the benefits of dental health, make an appointment now!

A Routine Dental Check-Up in philly

Why Should You Go To A Routine Dental Check-Up?

A routine dental check-up is one of the best protective measures against tooth and gum disease. By identifying potential problems, your dentist can help you maintain good oral health. If dental issues are left untreated, they can lead to pain, and tooth loss, and make future treatment more difficult.

You should see your dentist every six months, but that does not necessarily apply to everyone. The time between dental check-ups can range from three months to two years, depending on the state of your oral health and the likelihood that you will experience complications in the future.

What Kinds of Risks to One’s Health Are Associated With Oral Disease?

In the dentistry literature, there is a growing body of research suggesting that diseased gums can be a precursor to numerous health issues, including the following:

1. Cancer

It’s crucial to know that although gum disease and periodontitis are not direct causes of oral cancer, they can increase the risk of developing this disease. This is one of the main reasons why regular dental check-ups and good cleanliness are essential.

Over the past decade, the number of people diagnosed with oral cancer has increased. The disease can affect the lips, tongue, cheeks, and throat. A regular dental check-up can help detect the early signs of mouth cancer.

2. Risk of Dementia

Poor oral health and loss of teeth can increase your risk of suffering from memory loss at an earlier age. If you have an infection that causes inflammation of your gums, this can also trigger inflammation in your brain, which can lead to the loss of certain brain cells.

Previous research has demonstrated that certain risk factors, such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and a poor diet, can increase the likelihood of developing dementia. On the other hand, research on the link between poor dental health and the onset of dementia has been rather limited until recently.

A recent meta-analysis pooled the results of several other studies to examine the potential impact of oral health on cognitive decline and dementia. Periodontal disease, more commonly known as gum disease, was found to increase the risk of dementia later in life.

3. Increased Risk of Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke

People who suffer from periodontal disease, also known as gum disease, have a higher risk of developing heart disease. This is due to bacteria entering the bloodstream through the gums and mouths of people who suffer from periodontal disease. These bacteria contribute to plaque formation in the arteries and problems with the blood flow in them.

4. Disorders of the Respiratory System

The bacteria that cause periodontal disease can make their way through your bloodstream and into your lungs, where they can affect your respiratory system.

What to Expect at Your Routine Dental Check-Up

Why Should You Go To A Routine Dental Check-Up

During your routine dental check-up, you will be asked some general health questions. Your dentist will ask you how your teeth have been since your last visit and if you have suffered from any recent toothaches or discomfort. They will also want to know whether you are taking any new or changed medications.

Your dentist should then take a look inside your mouth and carefully examine your mouth, teeth, and gums.

Your dentist will give you advice about oral care and adjusting your lifestyle habits (such as quitting smoking or changing your diet). If there are signs of dental issues. These habits lead to problems in the future, they will explain the risks and related treatments and costs that may be needed.

If you have developed calcified plaque, also known as tartar build-up, polishing and scaling will be required. This involves removing the plaque and tartar below the gum line.

Your dentist will advise you on the next steps if they discover other problems. It may be necessary to treat gum disease, restore decayed or broken teeth with fillings, or perform other tests to support the diagnosis. This may take the form of a written treatment plan.

If no treatment is needed, your dentist will tell you when to come in for your next check-up. Depending on your needs, this may be anywhere from 3 months to 2 years.

Taking X-rays

Dentists may occasionally take x-rays during your dental check-up. They not only allow your dentist to detect existing problems that may not be visible during a routine exam, but also those that may occur in the future.

In adults, x-rays can reveal cavities, impacted teeth, cysts, tumors, and abscesses. In children, x-rays can help the dentist see where adult teeth will erupt.

Your dentist may choose the type of x-ray you need and explain why you need one. The x-ray machine is set up by your dentist or dental assistant, who usually leaves the room before taking the x-ray. This is done to protect them from being exposed to too much radiation.

Your dentist will only take x-rays when necessary. The dentist should only take an x-ray of a pregnant woman in an emergency.

Dental Anxiety

Dental anxiety is the fear or stress associated with a dental visit,  If you put off or skip dental treatment altogether, it may be due to dental anxiety. Putting off going to the dentist may result in worsening oral disease. It can increase the need for emergency care or more complicated treatment. As adults, we often hide our dental anxiety with elegance, but children have it on display.

An uncomfortable experience at the dentist or other health care setting, or the perception that the mouth is a private space and that access to the mouth is an invasion of personal territory, can all contribute to dental anxiety.

People who suffer from dental anxiety or phobia can be helped with a variety of different methods. If you experience dental anxiety, it is important that you tell the dentist. An open conversation with the dentist can help you both overcome the challenge together.

Psychological coping tactics include deep breathing, meditation, learning to distract yourself with music, and progressive muscle relaxation. There is also the option of conscious sedation.

Last Word

Routine Dental Check-Up is essential, even if you brush and floss thoroughly and frequently. We can examine the overall condition of your teeth and gums to look for early signs of oral health problems. Conditions such as tooth decay, gum disease, and cancer. At Dentists on Washington, we are proud to offer the best dental check-up to you in the area with a green, environment-friendly approach.